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Transit / Mobility

  1. Mimi Shaller, Mobility Justice: The Politics of Movement in an Age of Extremes - “shows how power and inequality inform the governance and control of movement. She connects the body, street, city, nation, and planet in one overarching theory of the modern, perpetually shifting world. Concepts of mobility are examined on a local level in the circulation of people, resources, and information, as well as on an urban scale, with questions of public transport and 'the right to the city.'”
  2. Wojciech Keblowski, "Public Transit Can Be Free"
  3. Planka, "The Traffic Hierarchy": “One is not born a motorist, one becomes one. Mobility and class are deeply entangled. Not only because one’s potential for mobility often has to do with one’s economic position, but also because a society built on today’s mobility paradigm – automobility – directly contributes to growing economic and social differences.”
list-transit.1580477352.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/31 08:29 by admin