Online Resources


System Change Not Climate Change

Climate & Capitalism

Uneven Earth
Uneven Earth Resources

Next System Project

Green Social Thought - “Produce less. Distribute it fairly. Create a greener world for all.”

Our Place in the World

Great Transition Initiative

Unequal Carbon Footprints

Videos and Podcasts

Max Ajl and Kali Akuno, Left Forum 2019 Panel on the Green New Deal

Eco-Socialism and the Climate Crisis - Podcast by The Dig, featuring Audrea Lim, Thea Riofrancos (Providence DSA), Ashley Dawson and Daniel Aldana Cohen on how the left should respond to the climate crisis—and how that response, for better or for worse, will require a deep transformation in social and economic relations, and also in our built environment and how we inhabit it. (8/29/18)

Interview with Nancy Romer, How the Divestment Movement Won in NYC

Naomi Klein and Bhaskar Sunkara in Conversation

Naomi Klein and Michelle Alexander, The Spirit of Justice, Union Theological Seminary, 2/15/18

Andreas Malm, "In Wildness Is the Liberation of the World"

Cultures of Energy - a podcast that invites scholars, artists and activists to discuss how the humanities can help us to better understand and overcome the pressing energy and environmental issues of our times.

Simon Pirani, "Unsustainable global fossil fuel use in historical perspective, 1950-2018"

Facebook Groups

National DSA Ecosocialist Working Group


Marxism, Science and the Anthropocene


Environmental and Food Justice

Climate and Capitalism

Climate, Capitalism, Growth, Development And Social Movements